Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mobile Phone Photography

I don't know how many times people have viewed my photographs and come up with the standard and unimpressive comment, "you must have a really expensive camera!" Fuck, that comment just frosts me, :-)

Obviously there are some circumstances where a camera with more features and better overall performance will provide the capability of creating a good image, however the photographer is the key element when it comes to creating a truly amazing image that evokes thought, passion and emotion. A photograph that tells a story... Those images don't happen to often!

So many elements have to be taken into consideration before <click>.  Lighting, composition, background, interest?? All of these factors come into play regardless of the equipment being used to make the capture.

Recently my Iphone has become my favorite traveling companion, it is with me all the time (key to photography). It is a small, unimposing medium, with good photo quality for capturing a variety of candid life experiences, not to mention it is just fun to play with! The image may not make it to National Geographic however your chances of creating a good photo that tells/supports a story are great!

Oh, I do have some relatively expensive camera stuff too, perhaps more on that at another time..... right now, it is time for the hot tub it is plus 3 out, way too nice to be sitting in, writing!

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